Meeting attendance - Meeting of Audit Committee on Tuesday, 18th May, 2010, 4.00pm

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Meeting attendance

Tuesday, 18th May, 2010 4.00pm, Audit Committee

Venue:   Committee Room 1, Hove Town Hall

Contact:    John Peel, Democratic Services Officer

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Les Hamilton Joint Opposition Spokesperson Present
Councillor David Watkins Deputy Chair Present
Councillor Jason Kitcat Committee Member Present
Councillor Brian Oxley Committee Member Present
Councillor Christine Simpson Committee Member Present
Councillor David Smith Committee Member Present
Councillor Keith Taylor Committee Member Apologies, sent representative
Shaun Rafferty Council Staff Absent
Catherine Vaughan Officer In attendance
Tom Wilkins Public In attendance
Jackie Algar Officer In attendance
Councillor Bill Randall Committee Member Present as substitute
John Peel Committee Administrator In attendance


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