Issue details - Strategic Risk Focus: SR30 Place Based Leadership; SR23 Seafront Investment; SR21 Housing Pressures; and SR26 Council Relationship with Citizens

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Issue details

Strategic Risk Focus: SR30 Place Based Leadership; SR23 Seafront Investment; SR21 Housing Pressures; and SR26 Council Relationship with Citizens

This is a regular item at the Audit & Standards Committee where Members request Risk Owners to attend and answer questions on specific strategic risks. At this meeting the focus will be on:
SR30 Failure to demonstrate Place Based Leadership, unable to promote the City-Region’s business economy, employment & training opportunities; a poor reputation in delivering value for money for the business rate payer;
SR23 Unable to develop an effective Investment Strategy for the Seafront;
SR21 Unable to manage housing pressures;
SR26 Not strengthening the council's relationship with citizens.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/11/2017

Decision due: 9 Jan 2018 by Audit & Standards Committee

Lead member: Chair of the Audit & Standards Committee

Lead director: Executive Lead Officer for Strategy, Governance & Law (Monitoring Officer)

Contact: Jackie Algar, Risk Management Lead Tel: 01273 291273.


Agenda items


  • Strategic Risk Focus: SR30 Place Based Leadership; SR23 Seafront Investment; SR21 Housing Pressures; and SR26 Council Relationship with Citizens  


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