Decisions for issue • Foundations For Our Future – the final Report from the Sussex Wide Children & Young Person’s Emotional Health & Wellbeing Service Review

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• Foundations For Our Future – the final Report from the Sussex Wide Children & Young Person’s Emotional Health & Wellbeing Service Review

28/07/2020 - Foundations For Our Future – the final Report from the Sussex Wide Children & Young Person’s Emotional Health & Wellbeing Service Review

RESOLVED – (1)That the Board receive and note the contents of the final independently Chaired report “Foundations for our Future” included at Appendix 1 to the main report;


(2) Agrees and approves the Concordat which underpins the partnership commitment to act upon the recommendations contained in Appendix 2 to the report; and


(3) Agrees in principle the recommendations set out in the report at paragraph 2.17. A further update to be provided to the Board in respect of the financial implications for Brighton & Hove City Council prior to final sign off.


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