Decisions for issue Procurement of an outreach service for people rough sleeping

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Issue - decisions

Procurement of an outreach service for people rough sleeping

14/11/2019 - Procurement of an outreach service for people rough sleeping

        The Committee grants delegated authority to the Executive Director of Health & Adult Social Care (HASC) to take all necessary steps to:


(i)         procure and award a contract for five (5) years for the provision of a 7 day per week street outreach service for rough sleepers subject to Policy & Resources Committee decision on allocations and resources;


(ii)        with the potential for adding the staffing and management of severe weather provision for rough sleepers;


(iii)       to approve an extension to the contract referred to in 2.1(i) for a period or periods of up to two years in total if it is deemed appropriate by the Housing Committee and subject to available budget; and


(iv)      to report back to Housing Committee annually the progress and outcomes of this service.



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