Decisions for issue Disposal by lease of Two Sites at Dunster Close, Hollingdean

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Disposal by lease of Two Sites at Dunster Close, Hollingdean

11/10/2019 - Disposal by lease of Two Sites at Dunster Close, Hollingdean

RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed to the disposal by lease of two areas of land identified at Dunster Close (Site A and Site B), to Bunker Housing Co-operative for a 125-year period with the freehold retained by the council’s Housing Revenue Account (HRA). The granting of the lease for the site was on the basis that best consideration could take the form of an annual ground rent instead of an initial capital payment, and was subject to Bunker obtaining planning consent, securing funding and entering into a nominations agreement with the council.



18/09/2019 - Disposal by lease of Two Sites at Dunster Close, Hollingdean

1)     That Housing Committee recommend to Policy & Resources Committee the disposal by lease of two areas of land identified at Dunster Close (Site A and Site B), to Bunker Housing Co-operative for a 125 year period with the freehold retained by the council’s Housing Revenue Account (HRA). The granting of the lease for the site is on the basis that best consideration can take the form of an annual ground rent instead of an initial capital payment, and is subject to Bunker obtaining planning consent, securing funding and entering into a nominations agreement with the council.


2)    That the decision at 2.1 be implemented by Housing who will report details and progress to the Housing Supply Members Board.


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