Decisions for issue Moving Towards Integration

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Issue - decisions

Moving Towards Integration

29/01/2019 - Designing an Integrated Care Partnership and Reviewing the Purpose and Functioning of the Health and Wellbeing Board

RESOLVED: That the Health and Wellbeing Board agreed to the following:


(1)       That the latest changes in the national policy landscape, including the NHS long term planning guidance that supports the NHS Long term Plan, and the awaited Green paper on Adult Social Care whilst addressing the local strategic case for change for integrated health

and social care services be noted;


(2)       That the progress that has been made so far with developing our joint services that positively impact upon the patient/service user experience be noted;


(3)       That it be approved that senior officers across a range of key partners to negotiate and influence within their constitutional remit the design of an appropriate Integrated Health and Social Care Partnership for Brighton and Hove, meeting the national design requirements for an

Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) within a broader Integrated Care System (ICS), and bring a proposal back to the HWB in summer 2019.


(4)       That a Policy Panel be established with one representative from each Group to be nominated by the Group Leader to review future purpose and membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board with options to be brought back for consideration in summer 2019; and


Note: Terms of Reference and membership of the Policy Panel will be brought to the March Board for approval.


(5)       That in this transition period to reaffirm the HWB’s ongoing accountability for its statutory responsibilities and remit to include:


(a)       The development and publication of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for our population


(b)       Agreement of a medium term Health and Social Care Strategy (joint draft health and wellbeing strategy currently being consulted upon)


(c)        Working with the CCG to develop agreed health and social care budgets within the 4 -5 year financial planning horizons due in the Autumn to achieve appropriate alignment to deliver the Health and Social Care Strategy 


(d)       An annual high level review of health and social care performance against relevant and meaningful KPIs including patient feedback and customer experience to inform future

HWB strategic policy


(e)       An annual review of strategic service delivery and commissioning priorities, governance and strategic management and delivery arrangements at city-wide and regional levels in order to inform adjustment to national and regional priorities.


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