Decisions for issue Improve your estates programme

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Improve your estates programme

03/10/2018 - Improve your estates programme

25.1            Mel Fraser, the Performance & Improvement Officer, presented the report on the actions that resulted from the Survey of Tenants and Residents (STAR) satisfaction survey. The update the focussed on the progress made of actions to improve Council housing public areas and the general quality of life on estates, including: Discretionary Decorating and Gardening Schemes, Review of Estate Inspections, Untidy Gardens and Grounds Maintenance.


25.2            Residents raised issue of the poor frequency of lawn maintenance and that is was a job the council was accountable for and that Residents have had to try to manage gardens independently.


25.3            Officers responded that there would be a remit about gardens and round maintenance and acknowledged there were many issues in this area that would go forward to review.


25.4            The Chair questioned Officers on how residents would be involved in this review.


25.5            Officers responded that this question would be forwarded. Officers stated that in terms of communal gardens, a garden project would be developed. This project would use volunteers, new resources and resident involvement that incorporated many online garden share and neighbourhood schemes. This project has been tricky and will be featured in the City Wide meeting.


25.6            Residents raised concerns that many people in sheltered housing were vulnerable so there must be safeguards in to who would be invited to the estates. Residents added their concerns of demarcation dispute between contractors.


25.7            Officers agreed to forward those points


25.8            The Chair recommoned to re-visit these issues as they deserved more time and that after the City Wide conference there will be updated information to move forward.


25.9            RESOLVED: That the Panel noted the report.



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