Decisions for issue Additional Targeted Funding to Reduce Rough Sleeping

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Issue - decisions

Additional Targeted Funding to Reduce Rough Sleeping

11/07/2018 - Additional Targeted Funding to Reduce Rough Sleeping



That the Health & Wellbeing Board grants delegated authority to the Executive Director for Health and Adult Social Care to:


1)         procure and award contracts in accordance with the requirements of the  funding allocation from MHCLG for the provision of services for rough sleepers;


2)         vary the terms of existing contracts for the provision of rough sleeper services where permitted to give effect to the terms of the funding allocation from MHCLG for the provision of services for rough sleepers;


3)         to procure and award a contract for the provision of and management of a Rough Sleepers Hub and subject to satisfactory performance and available funds to agree extensions of that contract for an additional year;


4)         to take all steps necessary to establish and manage a night shelter over the winter of 2018/9 with funding from the H&ASC Commissioning  Budget


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