Decisions for issue Day Activities Commissioning plan

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Day Activities Commissioning plan

28/01/2013 - Day Activities Commissioning plan

(1)       That it is noted that the Adult Care and Health Committee on 19 November 2012 approved the proposed Vision for day activities set out in Section 7 of the report.


(2)               That it is noted that the Adult Care & Health Committee on 19 November 2012 agreed the next steps set out in Section 8 of the report, that is to work with service users, advocates, carers and providers in the co-design and modelling of services to realise the Vision for day activities.


19/11/2012 - Day Activities Commissioning plan

(1)       That the proposed Vision for day activities set out in Section 7 in the report be approved.


(2)               That the next steps set out in Section 8, as amended, be agreed, that is to work with service users, advocates, carers and providers in the co-design and modelling of services to realise the Vision for day activities.  (Note: The amendments to Section 8 are as follows:  Paragraph 8.4 to be moved to become paragraph 3.11, Relevant Background Information.  Paragraph 8.5 to be moved to become paragraph 5.4.15, Feedback and Developments)  


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