Agenda item - Schedule of Appeals

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Agenda item

Schedule of Appeals

Schedule prepared for the Executive Lead, Strategy, Governance and Law (copy attached)


21.1    The Committee considered a schedule of appeals prepared on behalf of the Executive Lead, Strategy, Governance and Law.


21.2    In response to questions, the Legal Adviser to the Committee, Rebecca Sidell explained that there remined a backlog in cases to the Magistrate’s Court. Councillor Simson referred to the prospective hearing for Saltdean News stating that she understood that the premises had now changed hands and that a hearing might not now go ahead.


21.3    Councillor O’Quinn referred to the case which remained pending in respect of Pascal’s Bistro, the breaches had been quite serious and it was concerning that the premises could continue to trade pending  the  outcome of the appeal hearing.


21.4    RESOLVED – That the contents of the schedule be noted.

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