Agenda item - Trans Inclusion Schools Toolkit Version 4

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Agenda item

Trans Inclusion Schools Toolkit Version 4

Report of the Executive Director, Families, Children and Learning (copy attached)


RESOLVED – (1) That committee agree the guidance for dissemination to Brighton & Hove schools in September 2021: and


(2) That the Trans Inclusion Schools Toolkit should be reviewed on an annual basis or as necessary to consider feedback from school communities, and any updates required arising from changes to the law or relevant guidance.


10.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Families, Children and Learning the purpose of which was to obtain approval to the final version (4) of the Trans Inclusion Schools Toolkit. It was noted that this had been informed by the consultation process and accompanying equalities impact assessment.


10.2    The Partnership Adviser, Health and Wellbeing, Sam Beal was in attendance accompanied by Ryan Gyngell, Project Manager of Allsorts. The toolkit had first been disseminated to schools in 2013 and had been developed in partnership with Allsorts Youth Project and schools for support with a small number of children and young people who were saying that their gender identity did not align with their agenda assigned at birth. At a similar time the City’s Trans Needs Assessment had also identified a further need for improving school practice in this area. The toolkit had been written to provide guidance to schools on how to support trans, non-binary and gender exploring children and young people.


10.3    The process by which had informed this version of the toolkit was set out in the report. Consultation on successive versions of the toolkit had led to significant changes. Version 4 provided helpful advice to meet the needs of this vulnerable group and would need to be supported by staff training and communications to parents and carers from September 2021. The toolkit would be subjected to a process of regular review and updates.


10.4    Councillor O’Quinn was pleased to note that wide ranging views and input had been sought and that there was an emphasis on acceptance and anti-bullying. It was hoped that this document would provide a beacon which could be utilised by other authorities.


10.5    Councillor Brown also welcomed the document acknowledging the hard work which had taken place to identify gaps and to engage with a diverse range of consultees.


10.6    It was noted that there had been challenges in carrying out the consultation process during the current pandemic but that notwithstanding that Teams consultations had taken place with 12 young people in addition to the other consultees.


10.7    In response to questions, the Legal Adviser to the Committee explained that the draft toolkit had been the subject of legal advice and review in relation to the legal framework referred to therein. It had carefully measured against Statutory, Government and other guidance and would be updated in the light of any changes to that. It was a large document which it was intended would be used sensitively on a case by case basis.


10.8    Louise Brown was in attendance representing the Youth Council, stating that the document had been welcomed by young people particularly as the consultation had sought to identify where there were gaps and to seek to ensure that appropriate support was in place. The approaches suggested to address micro aggression as well as direct bullying would be beneficial to all students.


10.9    The Chair, Councillor Clare stated that the council was seeking to promote sensitivity and understanding via a number of means for example by providing gender neutral toilets and wide-ranging advice.


10.10  RESOLVED – (1) That committee agree the guidance for dissemination to Brighton & Hove schools in September 2021: and


          (2) That the Trans Inclusion Schools Toolkit should be reviewed on an annual basis or as necessary to consider feedback from school communities, and any updates required arising from changes to the law or relevant guidance.

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