Agenda item - Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Driver Enforcement and Monitoring

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Agenda item

Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Driver Enforcement and Monitoring

Report of the Executive Director, Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities

(copy attached)



RESOLVED – That Members note the contents of this report and that officers should continue to take action as appropriate.


28.1    The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director, Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities providing an update on enforcement action taken between June and November 2019.


28.2    Councillor Simson referred to item 12 stating that she considered that the reference made to the female passenger was completely inappropriate, she had suffered a very serious criminal assault whilst in a vulnerable condition. The inference which could be drawn from the manner this incident had been reported was very unfortunate. Other Members concurred in that view and it was confirmed that the manner in which any such incident was recorded.


28.3    Councillor O’Quinn, the Chair, referred to the number of complaints that had been received regarding over- ranking at Brighton Station and it was confirmed that additional enforcement had been taking place at weekends to address this problem. It was also anticipated that arrangements for use of the rear of the station by taxis would result in further improvements.


28.4    Councillor Allcock referred to the awareness raising sessions which had taken place in partnership with YMCA (Downslink). All involved should be commended for this piece of work and it was pleasing to note that 63% of Brighton and Hove Licensed Drivers had now taken advantage of these free training sessions, which it was hoped would continue to be rolled out across the city.


28.5    RESOLVED – That Members note the contents of this report and that officers should continue to take action as appropriate.

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