Agenda item - Formal Member Involvement

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Agenda item

Formal Member Involvement


            Written Questions from Members


5.1       The Chair invited Councillor Nield to put the following question:


            “In the light of the proposed merger of Matlock and Beaconsfield GP surgeries, and with 10 GP practices closing in Brighton and Hove since 2015, we have an ongoing situation of small local GP surgeries being absorbed into bigger hubs, which may offer patients better facilities, but at the expense of proximity and accessibility to those patients. What forward plan can be put into place to mitigate the effects of the loss of primary care to our residents, many of whom may be elderly or otherwise vulnerable and for whom travel is often difficult? Could we have more branch surgeries so that older and frailer residents don’t have to make these longer journeys when they are ill?


            It seems that this is a trend which is going to continue, and the problems it creates are going to get wore as our population ages. What is the plan for how to keep primary care within reach of those who need it?”


5.2       The Chair thanked Councillor Nield for her question and gave the following written response which had been agreed in consultation with the CCG:


5.3       “The CCG are committed to ensuring local people have access to GP surgeries and every effort was made to support GPs in the city. The proposed merger of the two practices was not the result of any changes to levels of CCG funding or reorganisation plans.


            The plan to merge the practices had come from partners in the two surgeries. As the lease of Matlock Road Surgery comes to an end next year, the existing partner GP, Dr Allen felt he was unable to commit to a new lease following a number of unsuccessful attempts to recruit a new partner.


            The CCG were notified by the partners at Matlock Road Surgery and Beaconsfield Medical Centre of their plans to come together to form a single larger partnership, offering greater stability and sustainability for local general practice services for the future. The CCG has worked with them to inform and consult with patients and other stakeholders. The surgery partners have told us they have come to the decision to merge practices to ensure their future sustainability, and their ability to provide high quality care to their valued patients. The business pan they have presented proposes that they will come together in early 2020, but patients will be consulted on their views before a final decision is made by the CCG whether to agree to the proposed merger.


            We would like to stress that there is no need for patients registered at either surgery to do anything to get a new GP, as they will automatically transfer to the new practice. All Matlock Road staff, including Dr Allen, will be moving to the new surgery so there will be no reduction in the overall workforce in the city. In addition, Matlock Road patients will have access to a range of primary care services not currently provided by their smaller surgery. Beaconsfield is the nearest practice geographically to Matlock Road. However, recognising there is no direct bus route linking the two sites, the CCG will be writing to all patients advising them of other practices which may be more directly accessible by public transport, and how to register with them.


            As Chair I am aware that the workings of general practices, who are independent contractors, can be complex and I have asked the CCG to provide a paper to the Board which explains what happens when these proposals come to the CCG, who has the decisions etc., for information.”


5.4       Councillor Nield did not have a supplementary question but thanked the Chair for her response, which accorded with what she believed to be the case in respect of this matter and for the opportunity to raise it in a public forum. Councillor Nield was pleased to note that a report would be brought forward to the Board considering that this would be helpful and informative.


5.5       RESOLVED – That the position be noted.

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