Agenda item - Moving Forward Together in Partnership - Presentation

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Agenda item

Moving Forward Together in Partnership - Presentation

Detail in respect of Presentation to follow.


RESOLVED – That the Board agrees to note the content of the presentation.


7.1       The Board received a presentation in behalf of the Executive Director, Health and Social Care and the Director of Partnerships and Integration at the CCG. The purpose of the presentation was to provide an update on system wide developments in the NHS and how these would support working with partners in a more collaborative approach moving forwards with a focus on:


·         Key structures;

·         National direction; and

·         What that meant for Brighton and Hove.


7.2       The Board Members noted that since the 2012 Health & Social Care Act had been brought into being the national health system had been subject to a number of systematic changes. New Members of the Board had been apprised of them at their induction training which had taken place in June. At that time the CCG had provided theBoard with an update on current structural changes to the NHS and how it was envisaged that working closely with local government and other system stakeholders these would support further collaborative working. Further reports would be provided to future meetings as the national direction and local response to it took shape.


7.3       In answer to questions by Councillor Nield, Mr Scarff, CCG, explained that whilst it was acknowledged that there was still a lot of work to be carried out with a view to transforming care provision/packages in the medium to longer term, progress was being made and things were moving forward.


7.4       Councillor Bagaeen stated that the information provided in the slide pack was helpful and informative, particularly that setting out details of the budgetary implications and details of how the NHs was paid for.


7.5       In answer to questions by Councillors Appich and Shanks regarding the range and level at which these discussions were taking place, the Chief Executive explained that in depth discussions were taking place about the Integrated Care Partnership including all players to ensure that an integrated strategy was developed. By using that approach it was hoped to avoid unintended impacts on partners or on the voluntary sector and to move towards the alignment of budgets. The intention was that the process was transparent and that a 10 Year Plan was devised. Discussions would take place at different levels at different times.


7.6       Mr Dennett, CCG, explained that their decision making meetings met in public as did the Board and information about where money would be spent was readily available.


7.7       Councillor Bagaeen stated that it would be very useful to have detailed breakdowns of how monies were to be allocated and where they would be spent, for example, how monies for GP practices would be funded and where those monies would come from. It was explained that it was anticipated that a paper detailing this would be brought forward to the next scheduled meeting of the Board.


7.8       RESOLVED – That the Board agrees to note the content of the presentation.

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