Agenda item - BH2018/02703-2 Old Shoreham Road, Hove- Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2018/02703-2 Old Shoreham Road, Hove- Full Planning

Erection of a single storey side extension and conversion of existing building to create 4no flats (C3), including loft conversion and alterations to fenestration.


Ward Affected:Goldsmid



1.             Stewart Glassar, Principal Planning Officer, introduced the application and gave a detailed presentation by reference to site plans, photographs and elevational drawings detailing the proposed scheme. The main considerations for this application relate to the impact of the proposed development on the appearance of the streetscene and amenities of the neighbouring properties. Transport and sustainability are also assessed. It was noted that the application had been amended following concerns relating to impact and appearance.




2.             Mrs Hallam spoke as an objector to the scheme. Mrs Hallam stated that they represented the residents of both Cissbury and Montefiore roads. The proposed dormer windows in the existing roof are considered to be out of scale, not in keeping and visible from Old Shoreham Road. The proposals will result in overlooking issues for neighbours. The design appears cramped and out of keeping with the area. The conversion of the loft will reduce the number of first floor bedrooms with noise being an issue from the newly created loft room. The proposed ground floor skylight is a noise issue.


Questions for speaker


3.             Councillor Yates was informed that the property was end-of-terrace.


4.             The applicant’s agent, Mr Bareham, spoke to the committee. The application process had been long with many amendments made to reduce the impact on neighbours. The roof extension of three dormers conforms to national space standards. It is not considered that the development will increase noise as sound insultation will be used. The application includes 7 cycle spaces


Questions for speaker


5.             Councillor Dee Simson was advised that the single storey ground floor infill section of the development would be attached to the neighbouring property.


6.             Councillor Phelim Mac Cafferty was informed that the Permitted Development rights would be withdrawn as the property would now be subdivided. The dormer windows are not considered to overlook the neighbours as they are set back from the roofline of the property.


7.             Councillor Carol Theobald was informed that the proposed garage demolition had been withdrawn from the application, therefore the large garden tree in the neighbouring property would not be affected by the proposals.


Questions to officer: None


Debate: None


8.             The Committee were invited to vote.


All Agreed to GRANT permission in line with the Planning Officer’s recommendation. (Councillors Joe Miller not present).


9.             RESOVLED: That the committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report.


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