Agenda item - Greater Brighton Economic Board – Admission of New Member to the Board

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Agenda item

Greater Brighton Economic Board – Admission of New Member to the Board

Extract from the proceedings of the Policy, Resources & Growth Committee meeting held on the 18th July 2019 (to follow); together with a report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture.


25.1       RESOLVED:


(1)       That Arun District Council should join the Greater Brighton Economic Joint Committee;


(2)       That the other changes within the Greater Brighton Economic Board Heads of Terms as detailed in the report be agreed;


(3)       That it be noted that the changes to the membership and Heads of Terms were dependant on the decisions of all the Local Authorities represented on the Joint Committee agreeing that the new members be appointed, and the Board take a formal decision that the new members were appointed; and


(4)       That amendments to the Board’s Heads of Terms be agreed and the Monitoring Officer be instructed to amend the Council’s constitution to reflect these amendments once they had been formally approved by all the constituent authorities and the Greater Brighton Economic Board.

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