Agenda item - Annual Governance Statement 2018-2019

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Agenda item

Annual Governance Statement 2018-2019

Report of the Executive Lead for Strategy, Governance & Law


1)    That the Committee review the attached AGS and make recommendations for the Leader of the City Council and the Chief Executive.


2)    To note the Leader of the City Council and the Chief Executive will be asked to confirm their agreement to the AGS by signing a hard copy of Appendix 1 which will be stored securely.


3)    To note that the AGS once signed by the Leader of the City Council and Chief Executive will be published alongside the council’s Annual Accounts.


14.1      RESOLVED -


1)    That the Committee review the attached AGS and make recommendations for the Leader of the City Council and the Chief Executive.


2)    To note the Leader of the City Council and the Chief Executive will be asked to confirm their agreement to the AGS by signing a hard copy of Appendix 1 which will be stored securely.


3)    To note that the AGS once signed by the Leader of the City Council and Chief Executive will be published alongside the council’s Annual Accounts.

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