Agenda item - Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Against Women and Girls Strategy

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Agenda item

Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse Against Women and Girls Strategy

Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing (copy attached)


RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee approves the Strategy Framework as set out in Appendix 2 to the report; and


(2) That the Committee notes the planned further stakeholder engagement work as set out Appendix 1 to develop the full Strategy and Action Plan.


63.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing seeking approval of the proposed framework for Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse and VAWG Strategy for Brighton and Hove and East Sussex and to update the committee on the planned development work to finalise the Strategy 2019-2024 and associated governance and action plan. The strategy was a partnership strategy to which the Council signed up via the Community Safety Partnership, recognising domestic and sexual violence and abuse including harmful practices as one of the partnership’s priorities.


63.2    Councillor West sought clarification of the of the status of the document and recommendations set out in appendix 2 to the report.


63.3    Dr Sasidharan, Police BME Engagement Group welcomed the fact that a wide range of partners had been involved in drawing up the strategy and that all stakeholders had been pro-active.


63.4    The Chair, Councillor Daniel stated that she particularly welcomed the input in relation to mental health issues and recognition of the impact abuse had on the mental as well as physical health and well-being of victims and the valuable input and feedback which had been used going forward; also recognition of issues for those with learning difficulties in accessing services.


63.5    Ms Martindale stated that it was important to ensure that all relevant bodies had access to the gateway and it was confirmed that measures were in place to seek to ensure that happened.


63.6    RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee approves the Strategy Framework as set out in Appendix 2 to the report; and


            (2) That the Committee notes the planned further stakeholder engagement work as set out Appendix 1 to develop the full Strategy and Action Plan.

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