Agenda item - Community Safety and Crime in Brighton & Hove

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Agenda item

Community Safety and Crime in Brighton & Hove

Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing (copy attached)


RESOLVED – (1) The committee is invited to note and comment on the information contained in the report which provides an update on work being undertaken by the Community Safety Team in relation to the Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy 2017-20; and


(2) The Committee is invited to give its support to the partnership work described in the report and commit to work described which is within the council’s remit, thereby contributing to the management of crime and community safety priorities for the city.


49.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing which provided an update on the work being undertaken by the Community Safety Team in relation to the Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy 2017-20.


49.2    The Chair, Councillor Daniel, referred to the quality of the work which had been carried out by the Tactical Tasking Group particularly in addressing cuckooing commending the partnership working which had been widely recognised and which had been successful in addressing the issues faced on a targeted basis. Councillor Marsh, endorsed that based on her direct experience as the Council’s community safety representative, also commending the exhaustive work undertaken by the Police over a number of years which had resulted in a successful outcome to the “Babes in the Wood” murder which had resulted in the perpetrator being apprehended and sentenced. The Chair and the Committee concurred in that view.


49.3    Councillor Littman expressed concern at the impact that shrinking resources could have and Councillor Nemeth enquired whether there had been changes to reporting mechanisms which had resulted impacted on reported crimes and regarding basis for comparison which could be used when assessing these figures.


49.4    Chief Superintendent Bell explained that whilst it was acknowledged that certain categories of crime had seen increases measures were in place to channel the available resources and to work collaboratively with other partners on initiatives where that was appropriate. Overall, the risk of falling victim to serious crime remained low and the city was a safe place to live. Notwithstanding that incidence of crime were taken seriously.


49.5RESOLVED – (1) The committee is invited to note and comment on the information contained in the report which provides an update on work being undertaken by the Community Safety Team in relation to the Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy 2017-20; and


    (2) The Committee is invited to give its support to the partnership work described in the report and commit to work described which is within the council’s remit, thereby contributing to the management of crime and community safety priorities for the city.

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