Agenda item - Minutes of the previous meeting

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Agenda item

Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2018 (copy attached)


61.1       Councillor Hyde had notified the Democratic Services Officer of amendments she wanted to be made to the minutes in respect of comments attributed to her. These corrections had been made to the published minutes and to the set for signature by the Chair. The corrections were as follows:


              Paragraph (27): (reference to Stanley Deason Leisure Centre to be removed, first line now to read: “Councillor Hyde stated her preference would be for money to be provided to a local charity PARC which provided play equipment locally and improvements at St Margaret’s, which…”


              Paragraph (29): First line to be deleted: Paragraph to begin “Councillor Hyde also referred to the provision of “live time” boards…”


              Paragraph (35): Third sentence should read   “The scheme would provide much needed housing for local people on the free market and would provide…”


61.2       Notification had been received from CAG that they wished Paragraph (30) on page 10 of the minutes to read as follows:


              Paragraph (30): Mr Gowans CAG suggested that the proposed bin store in front of the south wing of the listed school building could be better designed and that some relief to the proposed blank wall fronting the High Street could be introduced. The Principal Planning Officer, Policy, Projects and Heritage, Tim Jefferies, suggested that an additional condition be added requiring larger scale details of the proposed store to be approved by officers and noted that the proposed store was slightly smaller than the existing garage.


61.3       RESOLVED – That the Chair be authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2018 as a correct record subject to the additions and amendments set out above.

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