Agenda item - Presentation by Nick Juba - Post 16 education at MET College and wider City Region

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Agenda item

Presentation by Nick Juba - Post 16 education at MET College and wider City Region


8.1              Nick Juba gave a brief overview of the amount of people engaged in further education. He referred to various statistics to highlight the growing success as a result of implementing and providing more funding. It was noted that this was still not as well funded as other programs. An in depth overview of the current status of colleges was given, including details regarding campuses, students, recommendations, finance and resources. Noted projects that had been built such as the new construction site for onsite training were highlighted. Engagement with upcoming challenges such as industrial strategy, Brexit, technology and demography was emphasised.


8.2              Martin Jones, Parent Governor Representative, noted that focus on special educational needs students seemed to have diminished, he enquired if this had been addressed.


8.3              Nick Juba responded by stating that efforts to engage a wide range of groups including special educational needs were made. It was further stated that senior officers were to be consulted in regards to further discussions on engagement.


8.4              Councillor Kevin Allen welcomed the presentation. It was remarked that this alternative route was under appreciated and deserved more recognition.


8.5              Nick Juba stated that only 4 in 10 people attend university.


8.6              Councillor Jacqueline O’Quinn enquired more information on the 9 million pound investment for the building of the department.


8.7              Nick Juba stated that 9 million from Coast to Capital provided funding to rebuild half of the site on Wilson’s Avenue, specifically 3000 square meters for construction and engineering. Around 1500 tradesmen had been trained there and 150 apprentices had so far studied on site.


8.8              Councillor Nick Taylor emphasised that this was a viable alternative for future generations and was a welcome challenge to the current view of vocational qualifications.


8.9              Joanna Martindale stated that the element of choice was important and should be maintained. She enquired what the role of the Met was in supporting first ex-community learning.


8.10           Nick Juba stated that the Met did not provide a-level qualifications and that use of the accord for 16 and over was necessary. It was further stated that work with adults was high however more could be done.


8.11           AGREED – that the presentation was noted.



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