Agenda item - Visitor Economy Strategy and Destination Management Plan 2018-23

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Agenda item

Visitor Economy Strategy and Destination Management Plan 2018-23

Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture


1)           That That the Committee notes the value of the Visitor Economy to the city and adopts the Visitor Economy Strategy (VES) Destination Management Plan (DMP) which is attached in the appendices to this report.


2)           That the Committee notes the outline Destination Management Plan (DMP) attached at Appendix Two to this report and the intention to work with partners to establish a Destination Experience Group to further progress this work.


3)           That the committee recognises the value of all visitors to the city and continues, alongside important work on ‘target leisure markets’ outlined in the strategy, to improve the visitor experience for everyone.


26.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that set out and requested adoption of the Visitor Economy Strategy (VES) and Destination Management Plan (DMP).


26.2      On behalf of the Green Group, Councillor Druitt moved a motion to amend recommendation 2.1 and add a recommendation 2.3 as shown in bold italics below:


2.1      That the Committee notes the value of the Visitor Economy to the city and adopts the Visitor Economy Strategy (VES) Destination Management Plan (DMP) which is attached in the appendices to this report.


2.2      That the Committee notes the outline Destination Management Plan (DMP) attached at Appendix Two to this report and the intention to work with partners to establish a Destination Experience Group to further progress this work.


2.3      That the committee recognises the value of all visitors to the city and continues, alongside important work on ‘target leisure markets’ outlined in the strategy, to improve the visitor experience for everyone


26.3      Introducing the motion, Councillor Druitt stated that its purpose was to be clearer in noting the value of the Visitor Economy Strategy and Destination Management Plan and recognise that visitors spending a low amount were of equal importance as those spending a high amount and that should be made clear in marketing.


26.4      Councillor Mac Cafferty formally seconded the motion.


26.5      Councillor Mears stated the she had found the report to be very interesting and very positive and asked for clarification on when the committee would receive reports on the Royal Pavilion and Museum as it had a huge amount of input into the tourist and visitor attraction to the city.


26.6      The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture clarified that a report on the Royal Pavilion and Museum would be presented to the 11 October meeting of the Policy, Resources & Growth Committee as there had been insufficient time to prepare a report to this committee.  The resolution made by Policy, Resources & Growth Committee as amended at its July meeting requested that a report is brought earlier to the 11 October Policy, Resources & Growth Committee which had placed significant time pressures. The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture supplemented that briefings on the matter could be provided to all Members and the upcoming Royal visit was a fantastic opportunity to showcase the city.


26.7      Councillor Mears countered that she did believe there was sufficient time to prepare a report to this committee and that she wished to register a formal complaint that the committee had been side-stepped on the issue contrary to commitments made previously.


26.8      The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture replied that an update on the future governance arrangements of the Royal Pavilion & Museums could be provided outside of the meeting.


26.9      Councillor Norman stated that it was important to congratulate the contribution of small businesses to the attraction of the city.


26.10   Councillor Mac Cafferty asked what work had been undertaken on the public life and public space study and welcomed the commitment to the review of all events and he hoped consideration could be given on spacing events more evenly over the year rather than concentrated over a few months. Councillor Mac Cafferty added that specifically, he hoped events over the Christmas period could be better advertised.


26.11   The Assistant Director – Culture, Tourism and Sport clarified that event schedules would be discussed through the Destination Experience Group.


26.12   Councillor Nemeth welcomed the report that he had found to be very clear and neutral.


26.13   The Chair then put the motion to the vote that passed.


26.14   The Chair then put the recommendations, as amended to the vote that passed.


26.15   RESOLVED-


1)           That That the Committee notes the value of the Visitor Economy to the city and adopts the Visitor Economy Strategy (VES) Destination Management Plan (DMP) which is attached in the appendices to this report.


2)           That the Committee notes the outline Destination Management Plan (DMP) attached at Appendix Two to this report and the intention to work with partners to establish a Destination Experience Group to further progress this work.


3)           That the committee recognises the value of all visitors to the city and continues, alongside important work on ‘target leisure markets’ outlined in the strategy, to improve the visitor experience for everyone.

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