Agenda item - BH2017/04070,8 Lloyd Road, Hove - Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2017/04070,8 Lloyd Road, Hove - Full Planning

Demolition of garage and erection of 2 bedroom residential dwelling (C3) to rear and associated alterations.


Ward Affected:Hove Park


Demolition of garage and erection of 2 bedroom residential dwelling

(C3) to rear and associated alterations.


(1)       It was noted that the application had been the subject of a site visit before the meeting.


            Introduction from Officers


(2)       The Principal Planning Officer, Jonathan Puplett, introduced the application and gave a presentation by reference to plans, elevational drawings, photographs and floor plans.


(2)       The main considerations in determining the application related to the principle of a dwelling upon the plot, the design of the proposal, its impact upon the character and appearance of the area, the amenity of adjacent residential occupiers, living accommodation standards, transport/parking and arboricultural interest of the site. Six letters of objection had been received by the Planning Department. Councillor Brown, one of the Ward Councillors, had also objected to the application.


(3)       A previous planning application (BH2016/05174) for a 3 bedroom dwelling at the same site had been refused. The decision had been taken to appeal which was dismissed. The Planning Inspector had supported two of the Council’s reasons for refusal: design and standard of accommodation/ garden provision. The Inspector did not support impact on neighbouring amenity or removal of trees and planting as grounds for refusal. It was the opinion of the Planning Officer that the concerns raised by the inspector regarding the previous application had been successfully addressed.


Questions to the Planning Officer


(4)       In response to Councillor Morris, the Planning officer stated that the Council had cited the removal of trees as one of the grounds for refusal of the previous application however the Planning Inspector had stated that adequate replacement landscaping could be required by condition and did not support the removal of trees as adequate grounds for refusal.


(5)       In response to Councillor Theobald, the Planning Officer stated that the flint boundary wall would be retained but the wall to the front of 8 Lloyd Road would be removed to provide a new driveway.


(6)       In response to Councillor Moonan, the Planning Officer stated that the existing conservatory attached to 8 Lloyd Road would be taken down to increase the amount of garden space retained by the property.


(7)       Councillor Littman noted that the trees between the flint wall and the pavement were originally planted on public land. He queried when the land had transferred into private ownership. He also asked why the applicant had proposed to remove the trees when the boundary wall which was being retained was between the property and the trees.


(8)       The Planning Officer stated that he was not able to confirm when the land had passed into private ownership or why the trees were to be cut down. He did not have access to the appropriate records to confirm the ownership of the land between the wall and the pavement at the meeting.


(9)       Councillor Littman stated that there needed to be some justification provided for the removal of the four trees and that the ownership of the land and the trees needed to be confirmed before the Committee could make an informed decision.


(10)     The Chair proposed that consideration of the item be deferred to a later meeting which was unanimously supported by the Committee.


133.1  RESOLVED: That consideration of application BH2017/04070 is deferred to a later meeting following additional information being provided by officers concerning the land and trees between the flint boundary wall and pavement.


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