Agenda item - Deputations from members of the public.

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Agenda item

Deputations from members of the public.

A list of deputations received by the due date of 12noon on the 13th April 2018 will be circulated separately as part of an addendum at the meeting.


86.1      The Mayor reported that two deputations had been received from members of the public and invited Mr. Rolfe as the spokesperson for the first deputation to come forward and address the council.


86.2      Mr. Rolfe thanked the Mayor and stated that he was attending on behalf of the Kingscliffe Society and members of St James’ Street LAT and sought the council’s agreement to recognise the impact of the proposed PVP street party and to move it to Madeira Drive.  He stated that the nature of the party had changed in recent years and meant that if you were a resident it was better to move out of the city for the weekend rather than endure the noise and impact on their lives.  He referred to the decision of the previous Economic Development & Culture Committee in November 2014 which had agreed to look at the use of Madeira Drive for this party and again urged for this to be considered.


86.3      Councillor Robins thanked Mr. Rolfe for presenting the deputation and stated that the arrangements for the Pride event this year were well advanced and no proposal had been made to move the party and there would be other factors affecting the use of Madeira Drive.


86.4      The Mayor thanked Mr. Rolfe for attending the meeting and speaking on behalf of the deputation.  She explained that the points had been noted and the deputation would be referred to the Tourism, Development & Culture Committee for consideration.  The persons forming the deputation would be invited to attend the meeting and would be informed subsequently of any action to be taken or proposed in relation to the matter set out in the deputation.


86.5      The Mayor then invited Mr. Stack as the spokesperson for the second deputation to come forward and address the council.


86.6      Mr. Stack thanked the Mayor and stated that he had presented a petition to the council three years ago concerning the need for more music venues within the city.  He stated the deputation before the council today was intended as a thank you for taking his previous deputation seriously and acting on it and to outline the outcome of that with the publication of the Live Music Venue Partnership report.  He also wanted revisit his concerns about the Visit Brighton website; which he felt still not fully reflect what was on offer in the city rather than outside attractions.


86.7      Councillor Robins thanked Mr. Stack for presenting the deputation and noted that he had previously presented a petition on the issue of music venues to the council a few years ago which had led to a policy panel review and report to committee.  He was very happy to take on board the points raised by Mr Stack in his deputation and hoped that he would continue to work with the council to improve matters.


86.8      The Mayor thanked Mr. Stack for attending the meeting and speaking on behalf of the deputation.  She explained that the points had been noted and the deputation would be referred to the Tourism, Development & Culture Committee for consideration.  The persons forming the deputation would be invited to attend the meeting and would be informed subsequently of an y action to be taken or proposed in relation to the matter set out in the deputation.

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