Agenda item - Formal Public Involvement

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Agenda item

Formal Public Involvement

This is the part of the meeting when members of the public can formally ask questions of the board. You will need to notify the Board of your question by 12 noon on 24 January. Contact: For information see the council’s website:



46.1    The Chair noted that Mr Thomas had submitted a question to the committee. Mr Dean asked the question on Mr Thomas’s behalf:


           Brighton and Hove City Council have two current contracts with St Mungo’s:

1.         “Rough Sleepers Outreach Service” that expires 31.3.18 at a value of £975,000.00

2.    “St Mungo’s Housing First” that expires 3.3.19 at a value of £365,700.00


In light of their involvement in the deportation of EU nationals purely due to them being homeless, the absence of trust in St Mungo’s by rough sleepers in our city, and their reported failure to meet contractual obligations can we have an assurance that no new contract will be issued without proper due diligence.”


46.2    The Chair responded:


           Thank you for your question


The council currently does have contracts with St Mungo’s. These are for the delivery of outreach services to homeless and rough sleepers in the city. The contracts went through due diligent and transparent procurement processes in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations and the Council’s internal Contract Standing Orders. The contract has robust performance information within the contract and this is monitored.


We can confirm that the contract is performing well and St Mungo’s, along with the other services in our city are meeting the increased demand for their services.”


46.3    Mr Deans asked a supplementary question:

“Will the Committee also ensure that charities, community based groups and professionals are involved in ensuring any new contract meets the needs of those it is supposed to serve and contains obligations that are meaningful and realistic?”

46.4    The Chair responded:

“All contacts have performance requirements which are focused on ensuring delivery of the commissioned service. Any contract that does not meet these expectations is open to contractual review.”

46.5    The Chair clarified that the question had been referred by the Housing & New Homes Committee to the Health and Wellbeing Board as the contracts were awarded by Adult Social Care.

45.6    Councillor Page stated that he expected most of the Board would agree that the most vulnerable individuals in the city should not be subjected to heavy handed treatment. 


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