Agenda item - Major Projects Update

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Agenda item

Major Projects Update

Information paper from the Executive Director for Economy, Environment

& Culture (copy attached).


34.1    The Committee considered the content of the Major Projects Bulletin which set out updates in respect of major schemes in progress across the City including the Royal Pavilion Estate, Brighton Waterfront, The King Alfred Development and Circus Street. It was noted that significant progress had been achieved on a number of projects since the previous report to Committee.


34.2    Councillor Mears enquired regarding the removal of human remains following recent works adjacent to the Pavilion Estate. It was confirmed that these had been treated by Archaeology Sussex in accordance with an approved process. In answer to further questions it was confirmed that it could not be confirmed whether the burials were associated with the nearby Quaker meeting house in view of the level of interest expressed records following such projects would be made available in future.


34.3    It was noted that progress was being made with the Waterfront Project and it was anticipated that negotiations in respect of land the acquisition would commence in the very near future.


34.4    Councillor C Theobald referred to the Preston Barracks Scheme which had been agreed recently enquiring whether arrangements for erection of two plaques relating to the history/former use of the site had been erected. It was confirmed that it was understood that all necessary permissions had been issued, also that a more detailed update would be included in the next report to the Committee.


34.5    Councillor Mac Cafferty stated that the position in respect of viability of the site had been unusual and whilst considering that scheme to be acceptable he was anxious to avoid replicating any under-provision in the affordable element with large scale schemes in future. The Head of Planning, Policy and Major Projects, Liz Hobden, stated that in this instance the services of a third party who specialised in advising on such matters had been engaged to break the deadlock, this process had been useful and Members would be fully briefed if similar situations arose in the future. It was intended to bring forward a report on viability to the Committee at its next cycle.


34.6    Councillor Cattell stated that the format of and level of information contained in the report was useful.


34.7    Councillor Druitt referred to the King Alfred Scheme stating that it was predicated on closing the viability gap and that would need to continue to be monitored.


34.8    RESOLVED – That the contents of the report be received and noted.

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