Agenda item - Minutes

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Agenda item


To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 29 September 2017 (copy attached).


27.1    Councillor Nemeth stated that he wished details of his supplementary questions/queries and the responses to them to be included these are as set out below added:


            Marlborough House


27.2    In answer to further questions regarding action being taken it was explained that action was on-going and that a further update would be provided to Committee as soon as it was practicable to do so.


            Effects of Graffiti


27.3    Councillor Nemeth referred to the recent incidence of graffiti being carried out by “taggers” and the problems this caused. Whilst catching perpetrators could be problematic, there were limitations to what could be done, ie., removal from private property, this was taken very seriously and strategies were in place to seek to ensure that it was removed rapidly.


            Sculpture Trail


27.4    In answer to further questions on this matter, the Chair stated that this matter was looked at strategically and support was given to placement of sculpture(s) in locations where this was considered appropriate.


27.5    RESOLVED – That the Chair be authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 21 September 2017 as a correct record with the additional information set out above noted.

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