Agenda item - Breastfeeding Update Report

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Agenda item

Breastfeeding Update Report

Report of the Executive Director for Families, Children & Learning (copy attached).


1)   That the Health and Wellbeing Board note the report


2)   That the Board agrees that if further information is required concerning the contract and its delivery this is directed to HOSC



30.1    The Young People & Public Health Schools Programme Commissioner from the Council and The Director of Operations from Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust presented the report. The Breastfeeding rates in Brighton & Hove were in the top 2 local authorities in the country. The model of breastfeeding support available in the city had changed from a support worker assigned to a specific ward to a support worker who works across the whole city. The change had been part of a recommissioned community nursing services for which an equalities impact assessment was done.


30.2    Councillor Janio asked the presenters to clarify the current budget for breastfeeding support in the city and what services had been cut in Hangleton. He also requested that officers update the Hangleton Ward Councillors on any changes in the breastfeeding rates.


30.3    The provider confirmed that £14.27 million covered the whole community nursing service and as breastfeeding support was often part of a combined offering at clinics there was no individual budget for it. The provider also stated that a breastfeeding clinic and a baby clinic had been provided in Hangleton. The separate breastfeeding clinic was stopped and the staff at the baby clinic had been upskilled which enabled them to provide breastfeeding support.  


30.4    In response to Councillor Page’s concerns about the reduced community nursing contract the provider stated that there had been no cut to the breastfeeding service and that they were confident that their new model of upskilling staff to provide breastfeeding support had made their service more robust and able to react more quickly.


30.5    Councillor Penn cautioned against the use of ward data as there was often a wide range of living standards and levels of deprivation within wards in the city. She also asked how postnatal depression effected breastfeeding rates.


30.6    The provider agreed that ward data could provide a false sense of security. An additional health visitor had been recruited to address the potential gap that existed around postnatal depression.





(1)    That the Health and Wellbeing Board note the report


(2)    That the Board agrees that if further information is required concerning the contract and its delivery this is directed to HOSC


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