Agenda item - Member Involvement

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Agenda item

Member Involvement

To consider the following matters raised by councillors:


(a)      Written Questions: to consider the following written questions submitted by Members (copy attached).




(i)           Contract Management- Councillor Sykes


42.1      Councillor Sykes asked the following question:


“With respect to the Council’s expanding Contract Management team, can I please be informed of the team’s target and expected cashable savings across the breadth of Council activities, for the current financial year and the 18-19 financial year?”


42.2      The Chair provided the following response:


“The council expects to save up to £0.5 million during the current financial year as a result of work by new staff deployed to support the work of the procurement team, with an emphasis on contract management. The target figure for 2018/19 is being worked up as part of the ongoing budget process, and reported to the Policy, Resources & Growth Committee on 30 November. The finalised figure will be reported to Budget Council in February 2018. At this stage it is expected to be approximately £1 million, however an element for both years may not be immediately cashable, given that social care markets are seeing significant inflation”


42.3      Councillor Sykes thanked the Chair for his response noting that the issue related to the Green Group amendment passed at Budget Council and he was pleased to hear that had led to an improved financial position for the council.

Supporting documents:


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