Agenda item - Key Performance Indicators Target Setting 2017-18

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Agenda item

Key Performance Indicators Target Setting 2017-18

Report of the Chief Executive


1.         To review and approve the Corporate KPI set and associated targets proposed by Leadership Board as set out in Appendix 2


2.         To note that target figures may change during the year if new benchmarking figures become available. PR&G approval will be sought if there is a proposal from Directorates to change the rationale for particular targets.



13.1      The Committee considered a report of the Chief Executive that set out draft Corporate Key Performance Indicator targets and associated rationales for the 2017/18 year.


13.2      Councillor Sykes noted that a number of important KPI’s were proposed to be removed for 2017/18 and enquired as to the process in removing those indicators.


13.3      The Head of Performance Improvement & Programmes clarified that each directorate determined their KPI’s with an emphasis on managing fewer KPI’s but managing them well and that as an example a KPI would be removed if there was duplication in reporting through other means such as capital receipts through the regular Targeted Budget Management reports.


13.4      RESOLVED-


1.      To review and approve the Corporate KPI set and associated targets proposed by Leadership Board as set out in Appendix 2


2.      To note that target figures may change during the year if new benchmarking figures become available. PR&G approval will be sought if there is a proposal from Directorates to change the rationale for particular targets.

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