Agenda item - Business Rate Revaluation and the Visitor Economy

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Agenda item

Business Rate Revaluation and the Visitor Economy

Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached).


(1) That Members are asked to note the report and the work being planned in support of the visitor economy;


            (2) That the Committee notes the importance of the independent business sector to the cultural vibe of Brighton and Hove and the contribution made by the sector to the city’s tourism offer;


            (3) That the Committee requests the Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Culture to share the findings of this report with the wider business community partnerships, with particular engagement on the enclosed measures sought from the following bodies and any others considered to be appropriate:


            Brighton and Hove Economic Partnership Brighton and Hove Economic Partnership

Brighton and Hove Chamber of Commerce

Federation of Small Businesses

Brighton and Hove Hoteliers Association

North Laine Traders Association

Business Improvement District


            With any feedback to be reported to members of this Committee; and


            (4) that the Committee welcomes the proposed plans for a new discretionary scheme and requests the Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Culture issues information to business owners, detailing the nature of, and timescale for, any relief measures available through the Council


9.1       The Committee considered as report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment and Culture which provided an update on the changes that had occurred as part of the recent revaluation of Business Rates and the planned work in support of the visitor economy.


9.2       The context for the review was detailed and it was noted that the government had reviewed the Rateable Values for every non domestic property in England and Wales earlier in the year. Rateable Values were usually evaluated every five years but this had been extended by a further two years with the result that this had not been reviewed for seven years, this had resulted in large increases for some businesses, whilst conversely some businesses had found that their rateable value had fallen. Details of the relief measures available and in place were also outlined as was the potential impact on the visitor economy. In addition the planned support for businesses through the planned discretionary Business Rate scheme was also as set out.


9.3       The Chair, Councillor Robins, referred to the fact that the following amendment had been put forward by the Green Group in advance of the meeting and had also been circulated to Members:


        That the Committee notes the importance of the independent business sector to the cultural vibe of Brighton & Hove and the contribution made by the sector to the city's tourism offer;


2.3 That the Committee requests the Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Culture to share the findings of this report with the wider business community partnerships, with particular engagement on the enclosed measures sought from the following bodies:


- Brighton and Hove Economic Partnership

- Brighton and Hove Chamber of Commerce

- Federation of Small Businesses

- Brighton and Hove Hoteliers Association

- Brighton and Hove Restaurant Association

- Hove Business Association

- North Laine Traders Association

- Business Improvement District


with any feedback from these bodies to be reported to members of this Committee; and


2.4 That the Committee welcomes the proposed plans for a new discretionary scheme and requests the Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Culture issues information to business owners, detailing the nature of, and timescale for, any relief measures available through the Council.


          Proposed by: Cllr: Druitt          Seconded by: Cllr: Mac Cafferty:


          “ 2.1 Members are asked to note the report and the work being planned in support of the visitor economy;


          2.2 That the Committee notes the importance of the independent business sector to the cultural vibe of Brighton & Hove and the contribution made by the sector to the city’s tourism offer;


          2.3 That the Committee requests the Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Culture to share the findings of this report with the wider business community and partnerships, with particular engagement on the enclosed measures sought from the following bodies:


- Brighton and Hove Economic Partnership

- Brighton and Hove Chamber of Commerce

- Federation of Small Businesses

- Brighton and Hove Hoteliers Association

- North Laine Traders Association

- Business Improvement District


With any feedback from these bodies to be reported to members of this Committee; and


2.4 That the Committee welcomes the proposed plans for a new discretionary scheme and requests the Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Culture issues information to business owners, detailing the nature of, and timescale for, any relief measures available through the Council.”


9.4       Councillors O’Quinn and Cattell expressed their concern at the approach that had been adopted by central government and the difficulties it had caused for local businesses. Whilst fully supporting the measures which had been put in place they were concerned that the full potential impact of these changes in practice was not entirely clear.


9.5       Councillor Morris welcomed the initiatives being undertaken by officers to ensure both that any detriment was mitigated against in the short term and that those eligible for assistance were made aware of its availability.


9.6       Councillors Druitt and Mac Cafferty stated that whilst welcoming all that had been undertaken the rationale for their amendments to the recommendations was to seek to ensure that businesses were aware of the timescales involved, understood the process and that there were overarching arrangements in place.


9.7       The Executive Director stated that listing the organisations to be contacted whilst helpful could result in omissions and that it would be helpful therefore if offices could be authorised to contact any others as appropriate. Members concurred in that view.


9.8       The proposed amendments were put to the Committee, were carried and then became the substantive recommendations and were voted on and carried.


9.9       RESOLVED – (1) That Members are asked to note the report and the work being planned in support of the visitor economy;


            (2) That the Committee notes the importance of the independent business sector to the cultural vibe of Brighton and Hove and the contribution made by the sector to the city’s tourism offer;


            (3) That the Committee requests the Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Culture to share the findings of this report with the wider business community partnerships, with particular engagement on the enclosed measures sought from the following bodies and any others considered to be appropriate:


            Brighton and Hove Economic Partnership Brighton and Hove Economic Partnership

Brighton and Hove Chamber of Commerce

Federation of Small Businesses

Brighton and Hove Hoteliers Association

North Laine Traders Association

Business Improvement District


            With any feedback to be reported to members of this Committee; and


            (4) that the Committee welcomes the proposed plans for a new discretionary scheme and requests the Executive Director for Economy, Environment and Culture issues information to business owners, detailing the nature of, and timescale for, any relief measures available through the Council

Supporting documents:


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