Agenda item - Fairness Commission Progress Update

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Agenda item

Fairness Commission Progress Update

Report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing (copy attached)


45.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing which provided an update on activity against the recommendations of the Brighton and Hove Fairness Commission as agreed at the NCE (now called NICE) Committee in November 2016. The report was introduced by the Head of Equalities and Communities.


45.2    Councillor Simson said she was disappointed that there hadn’t been more progress on street furniture, noting that the only action having been taken was the introduction of a new IT system for skip and scaffolding companies. The Head of Equalities and Communities accepted dealing with street furniture was a challenge, but said that through the new IT system the process was more streamlined and that there were now more officers out on the streets trying to enforce any obstructions which there wasn’t a permit for.


45.3    Councillor West said that public transport had been identified as being important to increasing accessibility, and thereby providing fairness to people in the city. He was pleased that many of the recommendations of the Fairness Commission were being implemented, but wanted to ensure that the all parties continued working together to continue to do that.


45.4    Councillor Bewick thanked officers for the report and the update on progress made on the Fairness Commission’s recommendations, and noted the cross party support for the issues covered particularly the Children’s Centres, Care Leavers Trust and Apprenticeships.


45.5    RESOLVED: That the Committee


(i)            Noted the activity taking place in relation to the recommendations of the 2016 Brighton and Hove Fairness Commission as set out in appendices 1 and 2 to the report.


(ii)          Supported a partnership event hosted by the city’s Equality and Inclusion Partnership, to share the work of the city council and all partners against the findings and recommendations of the Fairness Commission (2016).


(iii)         Agreed to reconvene the cross party member working group to review and determine further priorities for focus.

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