Agenda item - Residents Question Time

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Agenda item

Residents Question Time

Responses to items raised at recent Tenant Only Meetings (copy attached as ‘blue pages’).


33.1    (Item 1 – Resident Involvement Review)


33.2    Residents expressed the following concerns:


·         They felt the review was mainly officer-led

·         Requested an update


33.3    Officers responded to resident’s concerns and enquiries with the following:


·         Involvement and empowerment have met 9 or so times with a further meeting to take place in April.

·         Acknowledged that resident’s group requested more time for a discussion regarding the review and stated that a report will be available at the May Area Panels.


33.4    (Item 2 – Laburnum Grove Estate Development Budget Bid)


33.5    Residents expressed the following concerns and enquiries:


·         Expressed surprise at the quote of 12,000 and stated they believed it was due to BHCC regulations


33.6    Officers responded to resident’s enquiries and statements with the following:


·         It wasn’t just the Resident Involvement Team that felt the price was too high

·         Currently awaiting a more comprehensive response

·         Have conducted a survey and have received a relatively small response


33.7    (Item 3 – New Lettings Policy)


33.8    Residents stated the following concerns and enquiries:


·         Enquired if this only applies to sheltered housing or all over


33.9    Officers responded to the resident’s enquiry with the following:


·         Local lettings policy is in relation to a specific issue within senior housing.


33.10  (3 Star Items – East Area Panel)


33.11  (Item 1 – Trade buttons and residents involvement)


33.12  Residents raised the following concerns and enquiries:


·         Have received fobs and are happy with the current situation

·         Enquired if there is a timetable for this.


33.13  Officers responded to resident’s concerns with the following:


·         Stated that not all residents within various blocks have been issued with a fob

·         Suggested where not available, residents should join in local community to share information

·         Not currently aware of timescale, residents will be written to in near future

·         Cllr Hill noted that this is an ongoing situation and looked forward to all updates


33.14  (Item 2 – New Housing Management Teams)


33.15  Residents stated the following concerns and enquiries:


·          Is it possible for tenant reps to be told when the estate is being inspected and the outcomes

·         Once inspections are done, how long will it take until the feedback is reported


33.16  Officers responded to resident’s concerns and enquiries with the following:


·         There is a review coming on inspections that have been undertaken, it will contain among other things; results regarding the ongoing improvement of communication with residents in future

·         Results are currently displayed on the website

·         Housing officers are now assigned to specific areas and should help with consistency


33.17  RESOLVED – that the report is satisfactory.


33.18  (Item 3 – Estate Development Budget 2017/2018)


33.19  Residents stated the following concerns and enquiries:


·          Stated there is a difficulty in discerning who legally occupies what land


33.20  Officers responded to the resident’s enquiry with the following:


·         Will contact the Resident Involvement Officer to supply a more comprehensive response for residents.


33.21  RESOLVED – that the report was satisfactory.

33.22  (3 Star Item – West Area Panel)


33.23  (Item 1 – Increase in fly tipping)


33.24  Residents stated the following concerns and enquiries:


·         Caravans have been reallocating without prosecution, how and when can a park protection order come in to force


33.25  The Chair responded to the resident’s enquiry with the following:


·         The Chair stated that so far attempts of prosecutions and other avenues have been carried out however this is hard to prove. She further stated that other cases of success have been due to different methods of monitoring the issue


33.26  RESOLVED – that the report is satisfactory.


33.27  (Item 2 – Storage of mobility scooters)


33.28  Residents stated the following enquiries and concerns:


·         How many scooter storage places have been built since the beginning

·         Stated concerns regarding lack of other options


33.29  Officers responded to resident’s enquiries and concerns with the following:


·         The consultation was wide and varied

·         Officers reaffirmed that BHCC are essentially searching to balance the needs of residents against the rest of the tenants in the block in regards to potential future risk of fire

·         Stressed compliance with guidelines is paramount


33.30  RESOLVED – that the report is satisfactory


33.31 (Item 3 – Proposed change to Estate Development Budget regulations)


33.32  Residents enquired on the state of voting across other areas


33.33  Officers clarified that the review was looked at by 3 other area panels, however noted that the vote at the West Area was not legitimate.


33.34  RESOLVED – that the report was satisfactory


33.35  (Item 4 – Payback team)


33.36  RESOLVED – that the report is satisfactory


33.37  (Item 5 – Estate inspections)


33.38  RESOLVED – that the report is satisfactory


33.39  (Item 6 – Balconies at Ingram Court)


33.40  Officers stated that Scott Lunn will commit to this, this coming financial year


33.41  RESOVLED – That the report is satisfactory




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