Agenda item - Estates Development Budget Review

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Agenda item

Estates Development Budget Review

(Copy Attached)


27.1    Hannah Barker Resident Involvement Officer presented the report to the panel, she stated that the budget was going to be reduced; however, the reserves in place would be added to the total and the amount would remain the same as the previous year.


·               The feedback that had been received through the EDB budget consultations and through the “blue pages” showed that residents wished for the process to be made fairer.

·               A survey had been sent to the Chairs, Secretary and Treasurers of the Tenant Only Meetings.

·               The proposals for the EDB budget were:


1)    To limit the number of main bids to four per association.

2)    To limit the value of a main bid up to £15,000.

3)    To limit the number of quick bids to five per year.

4)    Residents should not use the EDB budgets for multiple quick bids for a work that should be a main bid.


27.2    6 voted to approve the recommendations given, 7 voted against.


27.3    RESOLVED – that the report be noted.


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