Agenda item - STAR (Survey of Tenants and Residents) Survey 2016

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Agenda item

STAR (Survey of Tenants and Residents) Survey 2016

(2 Reports Attached)


26.1    Ododo Dafe, Head of Income Involvement & Improvement, introduced the report and highlighted:


·                     The postal survey was sent to a randomly selected sample of 3000 tenants and had received a higher response rate from the previous year.

·                     There were two areas where the satisfaction rate had been reduced, these being: the overall quality of homes; and neighbourhoods as a place to live.

·                     There will be a short article in the next edition of Homing In and a further, more detailed article in the spring edition outlining the findings.


26.2       Residents state enquired of the number of complaints there have and if the numbers provided include numbers from both stages 1 and 2.


26.3      Officers stated that there have been a total of 32 Stage 1 complaints this quarter, 24 of which have been responded to within the requisite timeframe. She noted that as this is the first time such details have been requested, no digestible information was yet available.


26.4      RESOLVED – The panel agreed to note the report.


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