Agenda item - Declarations of Substitutes and Interests and Exclusions

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Agenda item

Declarations of Substitutes and Interests and Exclusions


36.1    There were no substitutes. Dr David Supple sent his apologies.


36.2    Cllr Yates declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in Item 40 as he is an employee of Western Sussex Hospitals Trust. Cllr Yates has received dispensation to speak and vote on this item. Cllr Yates sought further clarification of his position from the council’s legal advisors following the recent announcement of new working arrangements between Western Sussex Hospitals and Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals Trust, and it has been confirmed that his dispensation still applies.


36.3    Cllr Barford wished it to be recorded, with reference to Item 40, that she is employed at a hospice in Chailey. She has discussed her position with the council’s Monitoring Officer, who has confirmed that she does not require any dispensation to speak on this item.


36.4    RESOLVED – that the press and public be not excluded from the meeting.



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