Agenda item - Written questions from members of the public.

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Agenda item

Written questions from members of the public.

A list of public questions received by the due date of 12noon on the 19th January 2017 will be circulated separately as part of an addendum at the meeting.


63.1      The Mayor reported that one written question had been received from a member of the public and invited Mr. Furness to come forward and address the council.


63.2      Mr. Furness asked the following question; “I return once again, Councillor Mitchell, to the subject of elm trees, which are continuing to disappear from the streets of Hove at an alarming rate.  Can you please explain why three magnificent specimens were last year felled in Blatchington, Sackville and Somerhill roads?”


63.3      Councillor Mitchell replied; “I have asked officers to check the records of elm trees removed in these roads last year. The only one that was removed last year was a large elm outside number 49 Sackville Road. This was felled after failing a safety inspection due to fungal decay. Elms were lost in high winds in Blatchington Road in 2013 and 2014, one each year. Two elms were lost on Somerhill Road in 2014 as a result of elm disease.”


63.4      Mr. Furness asked the following supplementary question; “I would like to ask Councillor Mitchell when she states fungal disease and elm disease the words ‘Dutch elm disease’ weren’t employed and I can see why because those three trees have been struggling to come back to life surrounded by forests of suckers which somebody - presumably from the council - is now spraying weed killer on. Now yourself Mister Mayor in your previous Administration were responsible for the UNESCO biosphere status of this city and congratulations to you for it. Do I have to go to the United Nations to report this issue as we well know elms are on a par with the blue whale?”


63.5      Councillor Mitchell replied; “Well Mr Furness I’ll leave that one with you. Personally I am not aware of any connection between elm trees and the blue whale but I am very pleased to be proved wrong in this regard.”


63.6      The Mayor thanked Mr. Furness attending the meeting and putting his questions and noted that concluded the item.

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