Agenda item - Residents Question Time

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Agenda item

Residents Question Time

Responses to items raised at the Tenant Only Meeting held on 3 August 2016 (copy attached as ‘blue pages’).


12.1    Item 2 - Highden, Westmount and Crown Hill:


·         The Officers agreed with residents’ concerns regarding the timeframe that the work was to be completed in and noted that there the communication with residents was poor.

·         A provisional plan for major works that had been identified was published online annually; however, this was subject to change as emergency jobs would be prioritised and it was budget dependent.


12.2    Item 3 - Communication between departments:


·         It was proposed that residents would discuss the ongoing problems with contacting different departments at a tenant only meeting.

·         The restructure of the Housing department could resolve the recurring issues and there would be a reporting regarding this at a future Housing Area Panel.


12.3    Item 3 - Scaffolding and home contents insurance:


·         A resident noted that there would be an article regarding scaffolding in the future addition of Homing In.

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