Agenda item - Written questions from members of the public.

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Agenda item

Written questions from members of the public.

A list of public questions received by the due date of 12noon on the 14 July 2016 will be circulated separately as part of an addendum at the meeting.


16.1    The Mayor reported that two written questions had been received from members of the public and invited Christopher Hawtree to come forward and address the council.


16.2    Christopher Hawtree asked the following question; “Could Councillor Morgan Please tell us when work will commence in situ upon the reconfiguration of and improvements to the Valley Gardens and the envisaged completion date for this?”


16.3    Councillor Mitchell replied; “An independent modelling assessment has been carried out based on a now fully updated traffic model and Officers are looking at the model and results in more detail including aspects of the original scheme to ensure that proposals put forward will offer best possible solution for the city in terms of operational viability and resilience of the transport network but also including the enhanced use of space for pedestrians and for cyclists.”


16.4    Christopher Hawtree asked the following supplementary question; “Can we be assured that the forthcoming closure of all of North Street for its vital reconstruction will not be used to delay the Valley Gardens work for which the previous administration secured national and LEP funding?”


16.5    Councillor Mitchell replied; “Southern Water have notified the Council that they do need to do some remedial works to their pipework in North Street. All of the works in the city including emergency work and planned works such as Valley Gardens will be carefully coordinated along with other development works such as the Royal Sussex County Hospital which will have its own traffic needs. It is not going to be at all easy but we are committed to mitigating the effects of these improvements to our city as far as it is possible.”


16.6    The Mayor thanked Christopher Hawtree for his questions and invited Nigel Furness to come forward and address the Council.


16.7    Nigel Furness asked the following question; “In line with the spirit of democracy expressed so clearly in the recent referendum on Britain’s leaving the European Union can you now tell me please when all flags of that foreign power will be removed from all public buildings.”


16.8    Councillor Morgan replied; “The Chief Executive will continue to consult with the Leader of the Council and opposition parties to plan the annual calendar of flag flying.”


16.9    Nigel Furness asked the following supplementary question; “Would he further enlighten us please as to these persistent rumours I’m continually hearing that he is now a fully paid up member of the People’s Republic of Brighton and Hove who wish to ‘brexit’ Brighton from Britain?”


16.10  Councillor Morgan declined to answer the supplementary question.


16.11  The Chair noted there were no other public questions.

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