Agenda item - Re-procurement of the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Service (IAPT) for adults and the all age Community Wellbeing Service

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Agenda item

Re-procurement of the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Service (IAPT) for adults and the all age Community Wellbeing Service

Report of the Chief Operating Officer of the Clinical Commissioning Group (copy attached).


74.1.        The Commissioning Manager, Adult Mental Health and Wellbeing introduced the report which provided the Board with an update on the procurement for new services for Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Services (IAPT), for adults and All age Community Wellbeing Service.  She noted that the contract had been previously extended on two occasions and with other potential Providers available it was appropriate to put it out to tender.  The aim being that the Invitation to Tender (ITT) documents would be issued in June and the contract awarded in November by the CCG Board with a view to its implementation from April 2017.


74.2.        Councillor Penn stated that as the Lead Member for Mental Health as well as a service user, she was disappointed that she had not been aware of the re-procurement of the contract and the consultation process.  She was concerned that other users of the Wellbeing service were not aware and asked for confirmation of who was involved in the consultation process and whether it could be extended.


74.3.        Frances McCabe welcomed the intention to look at Children’s services and the transition process as it was important to ensure that there were no gaps in terms of service provision.  She also echoed Councillor Penn’s concerns and was not clear whether Health Watch had been consulted.


74.4.        Councillor Mac Cafferty stated that he was unclear as to when the re-procurement process had been approved.  He also referred to the Equalities Impact Assessment (EIA) and queried whether it would include reference to people with protected characteristics and how their needs would be met.


74.5.        The Commissioning Manager, Adult Mental Health and Wellbeing stated officers were in the process of completing a rapid needs assessment and various groups including GP’s, Healthwatch and the pubic had been consulted.  A number of responses had been received although she was not sure if the information had put on the council’s website.  She also stated that the EIA was under development and she would ensure that people with protected characteristics were included in that and in the new service provision.  She noted that the decision to involve Children’s services was to ensure that the transition process was picked up and any gaps covered with the new contract.  She also noted that there would be an exit strategy within the process for any new Providers.


74.6.        The Head of Commissioning, Mental Health and Children’s Services at the CCG, stated that the need to re-procure the contract had arisen because of the previous extensions and alternative Providers that existed in the city.  It had been raised with the CCG Board and within the JNSA and she assured the Board that the needs of those with protected characteristics would be taken into consideration and included within the EIA.  The service specification was currently being drawn up and she was happy to ensure that Board Members and others were able to engage in the process prior to the ITT being issued.


74.7.        The Chief Operating Officer of the CCG stated that any feedback on the services would be welcome and taken into consideration as part of the review process on the quality impact of the service.


74.8.        The Chair noted the comments and welcomed the opportunity to feed into the review process.  He therefore put the recommendation to note the report to the Board.


74.9.        RESOLVED: That the report be noted.

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