Agenda item - Chair's Communications

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Agenda item

Chair's Communications

The Chair of the Board will start the meeting with a short update on recent developments on health and wellbeing.


70.1.        The Chair outlined the following as part of his Chair’s communications.


The Power of Volunteering


70.2.        On 21st April there will be an  event to  celebrate the fantastic work being done across the city by our volunteers and organisations, as well as looking to the future and how we can continue to make Brighton & Hove a city which champions volunteering.  If you wish to attend please contact Charmian Hay-Ellis on 01273 291036 or

Martin Fisher Foundation

70.3.        Professor Martin Fisher who led the HIV services in Brighton and Hove passed away last year. Since then The Martin Fisher Foundation has been established to take forward the legacy of the incredible work which Martin led to treat with dignity, compassion and respect patients with HIV and focus on the development of new strategies for effective treatment and prevention.


70.4.        I will be meeting with some of the Foundation Advisory Committee this month to get an understanding of their work and how the Board can support their activities.


Brighton and Hove Impetus Peer review


70.5.        Impetus is engaging in a Peer Review of its BHCC-contracted NHS Independent Complaints Advocacy Service (ICAS) in the spring of 2016. The review will work with peer services in Bexley and Dorset to assess service delivery in relation to the LGA Practice Guidelines for Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Services, share best practice, consider value for money, and make recommendations for service improvements. It is thought this is the first review of its kind in the country, and look forward to using the process to continue to develop the service. Members of the Board may be involved and the Board would welcome an update on the review when it has been finished.


The Practice Group


70.6.        As the Board are aware we had an open and informative Q&A panel at the last meeting which enabled a number of residents and Board members ask questions about the Practice Group and what may happen to their services.  Following on from that meeting a range of activity has been undertaken to further understand the specific needs of local communities and their access to alternative services.

70.7.        As Chair of the Board I will be attending a further meeting with the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny that is being convened on 25th April by NHS England, where the ongoing care of patients will be discussed further with local community and patient representatives.


70.8.        NHS England will then update patients as soon as the final decision regarding their ongoing care has been made.  Our next Board after today is not until 7th June. As decisions and information becomes known I will ask NHS England to inform me and I will circulate to Board members. I will also ensure that there is an update on the Councils website for residents.


Progress Report on Community Meals End of Contract


70.9.        Brighton & Hove City Council’s Community Meals Service contract (meals delivered to people in their own homes) with the Royal Voluntary Service (‘the RVS’) ended on the 31st of March 2016. This followed a significant reduction in numbers requesting the service year on year and lead to the RVS concluding that due to the costs of their current operating model, they could not continue the Contract without uplift in funding from the Council. This was not available.


70.10.     In December 2015, following market research, the Council conducted a procurement exercise to seek new providers who operated meals delivery services. The intention was to find multiple providers who would be ‘approved’ by the council to ensure choice for customers. The goal of the service would still be to provide wholesome and nutritious meals to customers and to promote the health, wellbeing and independence of people living at home at risk of being malnourished. Providers would be asked to offer nutritious meals, a Safe and Well check and meals would be available 365 days a year. The service would be solely funded by customers and there would be no subsidy.


70.11.     At the end of February 2016 three providers had come forward, two providing hot & chilled meals (License to Freeze and Mother Theresa’s) and one providing frozen meals (Oakhouse). The two providers of hot food were already on the approved list for East Sussex County Council. The applications were assessed in conjunction with the Brighton & Hove Food Partnership, all satisfying the criteria around nutrition and the Safe and Well check. In addition the two hot meal providers locally source their food.


70.12.     In moving to a change of community meals provider, communication to existing RVS customers was clearly critical:


·           The Adult Social Care Commissioning team engaged with the meal customers regularly, sending out letters and information about the meal changes once known, with phone numbers and emails to contact the council. The RVS delivered these communications personally


·           Letters were sent to any relatives who were involved and a series of FAQs were placed onto the council website.


·           All social work teams were informed and the commissioning team allocated a member of staff to analyse the client list and find support for as many clients as possible to transition to a new provider. This included Seniors Housing, home care providers, voluntary sector providers and the operational social work teams, particularly the SPFT Mental Health team.


·           The RVS also flagged vulnerable clients they considered would need support.


·           This was then followed up by the Commissioning team telephoning the 200 customers and in many cases their relatives. By 29th March there were only 21 people who had not been contacted (no phone number, wrong number, not returning calls) and during the first week of April they were all mailed with offers of support again.


70.13.     AccessPoint, Carelink, Seniors Housing & homecare providers (independent & in-house) were alerted on 31st March that it was the last day of the RVS meal service in case of issues. Since this time AccessPoint have only informed of two customers contacting them with queries which were easily solved.


70.14.     The commissioning team have also been keeping in close contact with the new providers to deal with queries.  In summary, customers have mainly been positive about the changes, many of the older people phoning to inform what they are doing (including where to buy cheap microwaves). Fears around higher costs of the new meals (at least £2 more for two courses) do not seem to have been realised as many customers had not realised that their meals were subsidised. Many have chosen one of the new providers – License to Freeze have taken on 60+ customers, Oakhouse 10 customers, and Mother Theresa’s up to 20 customers. Others have chosen to use Coleman’s (about 8) and Wiltshire Farm Food (about 13) – providers of chilled food neither of whom applied to be on our approved list. Marks & Spencer food also features. Feedback from License to Freeze confirmed that they think it is going well – each day the meals are getting there more quickly as the addresses are becoming known by the drivers. People receiving the meals are happy with the food and accept that that there will be a delay whilst a new service beds in.


70.15.     The commissioning team plan to do follow-up calls in about a month to see how the smooth the transition has been followed by a full report to HWB in July 2016


National Carers Week


70.16.     National Carers Week this year is from the 6th to 12th June, the theme builds on last years "Carer Friendly Communities" - places where carers feel supported to look after their family or friends, and recognised as individuals with their own needs. Focusing on four keys areas that need to become more Carer Friendly - Health Services; Care Services; Employers; and Education.


70.17.     Adult Social Care will be co-ordinating a range of events in partnership with members of the local Carers Strategy Group - CCG, Children's Services, Public Health, and key third sector organisations - aiming to raise awareness of carers locally, surveying how carer friendly local services are, and promoting the range of services and opportunities that are available for carers.


70.18.     We are planning 2 large events - one aimed at Young Carer, and one at Adult Carers, as well as a number of promotional events launching new initiatives for carers locally - new local Carers Guide; Carers Self Assessment; and the Carers Digital Offer.  Should you wish to know more, or want to get involved please contact Gemma Scambler (, or 01273-295045)


Sustainability and Transformation Plan


70.19.     This is the name of the new planning framework for the NHS services that was announced in December. A draft initial submission has been made for our area and John Child will be giving us an update as part of the Board later.


South East Coast Ambulance Service – Patient Transport Service


70.20.     At the last Board we reported that the Chief Executive of SECamb is currently on a leave of absence and the Chair has resigned. Since this meeting, Sir Peter Dixon has been appointed as Interim Chair. Sir Peter has been making contact with the various organisations and committees and we look forward to meeting him.


70.21.     The Board is aware of the recent news items about SECamb and are also aware that Overview and Scrutiny will continue to monitor this.  A letter from the Chief Operating Officer of the CCG has also been circulated and will be listed as a supporting document to the minutes of the meeting.

Supporting documents:


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