Agenda item - Declarations of substitutes and interests and exclusions

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Agenda item

Declarations of substitutes and interests and exclusions

The Chair of the Board will formally ask if anyone is attending to represent another member, and if anyone has a personal and/or financial interest in anything being discussed at the meeting.  The Board will then consider whether any of the discussions to be held need to be in private.


68.1.        The Chair noted that the following were attending the meeting as substitutes for their respective colleagues:


Ms. Jenny Oates for Dr. Manas Sikdar

Ms. Mia Brown for Graham Bartlett


68.2.        The Chair also welcomed Peter Wilkinson to the meeting and noted that following Tom Scanlon’s departure he was the Acting Director of Public Health.


68.3.        The Chair noted that there were no declarations of interest in matters appearing on the agenda and that were no items listed in Part 2 of the agenda, although confidential appendices relating to Items 72 and 73 had been circulated to Members of the Board.  He hoped that discussions could be kept in the open session of the meeting but noted that should Members of Board wish to discuss specific matters there may be a need to move into closed session and aske members of the press and public to withdraw for the duration of the discussion.  Otherwise he sought agreement that the meeting should remain open to the press and public.


68.4.        RESOLVED: That the press and public be not excluded from the meeting subject to the exception highlighted by the Chair above.


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