Agenda item - Review of Learning Support Services: Report from the external reviewer

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Agenda item

Review of Learning Support Services: Report from the external reviewer




(1)  That members note the contents of the review by the external assessor and agree the revised proposals.


(2)  That a report on this service area be brought back to this committee within twelve months of it being set up



70.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Children’s Services on the Restructure of Educational Psychology and Learning Support Services – Final Structure and Report from the External Assessor. The report was introduced by Ms M Daly, external assessor and the Assistant Director, Children and Adult Services.


70.2    The Chair confirmed that the external assessor had worked within the terms of reference as agreed by the cross party working group.


70.3    Councillor Daniel noted that parents stated that they would welcome the possibility of having a single case holder, and asked what the current practice was. Ms Daly said that she didn’t have details on the current structure, but a single case holder would be possible under the new restructure.


70.4    Councillor Brown was pleased that the consultation period had been extended and the concerns raised had led to a number of amendments to the proposals.


70.5    Councillor Wealls thanked officers and Ms Daly for the report, and said that it was important to monitor the changes and asked that a further report be provided in the due course.


70.6    Mr Jones thanked officers for the report and said that a restructured service with a ‘one stop’ service was what services users wanted. He asked if Ms Daly had spoken to schools. She said she hadn’t but in her report she had referred to the duties of schools and what they could do and how they could identify and meet the needs of children.


70.7    Councillor Phillips said she was pleased with the amendments and said that the petition opposing the original proposed changes and signed the by more than 10,000 people had spurred the Council to review its original proposals. The Chair said that the petition was a good example of democracy in action.


70.8    The Chair asked Ms Daly if she believed that the reforms would deliver a service which better met the needs of the children than the current service arrangements. Ms Daly said that having a unified Educational Psychology and Learning Support Service could only deliver a better outcome.


70.9    Councillor Marsh thanked officers for the report and agreed that the restructured service would provide a more effective service. Councillor Marsh agreed with Councillor Wealls that it would be useful to have a follow up report in due course to monitor the proposed changes.


70.10 Ms Mortensen asked how the new service would be communicated to parents. Ms Daly said the processes were already there but agreed that the new service should be advertised.


70.11  Mr Jones noted that it seemed that the city seemed to be less inclusive than others and suggested that we ask what ‘inclusive’ actually means and that targets be set to be reviewed in the coming years.  The Chair agreed and said it was important to be clear about outcomes. The Executive Director Children’s Services confirmed that the annual report would show the outcomes.


70.12  Councillor Daniel suggested that the recommendation be amended to say that the Committee ‘agreed’ rather than ‘noted’ the revised proposals. Councillor Brown seconded the amendment. The Committee agreed the amendment.


70.13  Councillor Brown suggested that an additional recommendation be added to request a further report be brought back to the committee in twelve months, and suggested the following wording ‘That a report on this service area be brought back to this committee within twelve months of it being set up’. Councillor Daniel seconded the proposal. The Committee agreed the additional recommendation.


70.14  RESOLVED:


(1)  That members noted the contents of the review by the external assessor and agree the revised proposals.


(2)  That a report on this service area be brought back to this committee within twelve months of it being set up


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