Agenda item - Minutes

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Agenda item


To consider (a) the minutes of the last meeting held on 19.01.16 and (b) matters arising from the minutes.


There were a few amendments to the minutes of the previous meeting:


Apologies were received from Cllr Karen Barford and Francis Tonks for the January meeting and a representative of Age UK was present.


163.1 add ‘and residents’ after manager and ‘Mike arranged another talk at the HOP50+ on 1 Feb.


Under report backs add


Mike –add ‘Also had discussion re: digital inclusion and the use of the roving mike from Grey Matters for case studies re: Fairness’


Colin – add ‘5 GP practices might close by the end of June due to the Practice Group Ltd withdrawing from their contract with NHS England. It was agreed to raise a question about this at the next Health & Well Being Board.’  


The minutes were then agreed.


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