Agenda item - Quarter 3 Performance Report

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Agenda item

Quarter 3 Performance Report

(copy attached).


32.1    Rachel Chasseaud presented the Quarter 3 Performance Report highlighting that rent collection is generally good, ASBO performance is good, there is a mistake at the bottom of the which should read, “quarter 3”, finally in response to tenancy fraud 19 properties have so far been taken back. She stated that by the time of print, the full details hadn’t been finalised, there will be a more substantial report going to housing and new homes committee and it will be circulated once it has been uploaded to the website. She furthered that residents will receive the full report in April.


32.2    Dave Eve stated his surprise about the number of tenancy fraud cases.


32.3    Rachel Chasseaud stated that there were some cases where they fraud was suspected but often no actual case was found. She noted the positive fact that more people are reporting cases of suspected fraud and as a result more investment cases are being chased.


32.4    RESOLVED-That the report be noted.

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