Agenda item - Draft Asset Management Strategy

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Agenda item

Draft Asset Management Strategy


31.1    John Currell presented the Draft Asset Management Strategy report


31.2    Terry Hill enquired if this linked in with the discussion held at the Planning HRA.


31.3    John Currell stated that it was a long term income and expenditure program not a capital program, he noted that it will go to Housing Committee in March.


31.4    Terry Hill enquired what was rejected.


31.5    John Currell stated that the HRA capital program was rejected.


31.6    Martin Reed stated that the program looks at how we are going to spend on investment in new homes, he noted that this was subject to the financial management plan. He also stated that people can still have input in the strategy.


31.7    John McCabe enquired if there was a possibility of having solar panels.


31.8    John Currell stated that there are commitments in this program to help residents reduce bills, there are already 300 houses with solar panels. He noted that where it didn’t provide value for money, it was not decided upon.


31.9    RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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