Agenda item - Draft Asset Management Strategy

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Agenda item

Draft Asset Management Strategy

(Report attached).


33.1    John Currell, Housing Asset Strategy Manager, introduced the report and explained that there had been consultation meetings with residents. Residents were particularly keen to prioritise investment in the exterior repair of buildings and common parts, such as decorations in stairwells and lighting, with the aim of achieving a more consistent standard across the city. It was also feedback that residents wished the general focus for investment should be mainly on improving the quality of the existing housing stock, and ensuring that all housing should be of a good standard, and well insulated, to help with fuel costs.


33.2    In response to Pat Weller, the Housing Asset Strategy Manager clarified that Brighton & Hove City Council did have freehold buildings that were now 100% sold leasehold.


33.3    Councillor Peltzer Dunn noted that a “block of flats” should be specified in the report, as this could include two flats in one property.


33.4    Councillor Barnett stated that her constituents have feedback that it was disappointing that they could not buy their freehold.


33.5    RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


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