Agenda item - Fees and Charges 2016/17

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Agenda item

Fees and Charges 2016/17

Report of the Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).


1)            That Committee:


a)     Approves the proposed fees and charges for 2016/17 as set out within the report and its appendices with the exception of the item referred to at b) below


b)     That the Committee recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that Low Emission Vehicle and Car Club permits be frozen at current rates


c)      Delegates authority to the Acting Director of Environment, Development & Housing to increase any charges for fees as notified and set by central Government during the year.


57.1      The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing that set out the proposed 2016/17 fees and charges for the service areas covered by the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee in accordance with corporate regulations and policy.


57.2      Councillor West noted that there was a proposed rise in allotment fees that would include a forward on the charges for water fees. Councillor West noted his concern over the potential lack of engagement on this matter with the Allotment Federation. Councillor West stated that he welcomed pest control moving to a commercially viable operation as he believed there had been undercharging in the service for a number of years which was disappointing as it provided a service better than most of its private sector competitors. Councillor West noted that he surprised the new administration were seeking to increase parking charges after a number of years rejecting such rises when in opposition. Councillor West moved the following motion to add a recommendation on behalf of the Green Group:


2.1  b) That the Committee recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that Low Emission Vehicle and Car Club permits be frozen at current rates


57.3      Councillor Greenbaum formally seconded the motion.


57.4      Councillor Janio stated that he disagreed with the overall 2% rise in parking fees and charges and felt that these could have been maintained at a neutral level whilst achieving sustainable transport aims.


57.5      Councillor Miller stated that he hoped the proposed rise in Zone M parking related to the development and expected demand associated with the i360 would not extend across the seafront at a later point. Councillor Miller noted that parking fees in Rottingdean High Street were proposed to rise by 25% which he found to be a negative step when many businesses were struggling or closing in the area. Councillor Miller repeated the point made by Councillor Janio that he could not support a 2% overall rise in charges and that a neutral basis would have been preferable and attainable.


57.6      The Joint Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing confirmed that discussions had taken place with the Allotment Federation on the proposed competitively priced increase and discussions on the subsidy of water usage would continue over the next few months.


57.7      Councillor Barradell stated that she supported the proposed fees and charges that were cleverly targeted and had responded to resident complaints.


57.8      Councillor Atkinson stated his agreement that the fees and charges were very well targeted, well thought through and an attempt to control or decrease demand. Councillor Atkinson stated that he had previously raised the point that London Road car park was underused at weekends and he would like further information on its usage.


57.9      Councillor Theobald stated that he believed it possible that the council could seek a cross subsidy from the Public Health budget to control increases in sport fees. Councillor Theobald noted that charges were increasing in animal welfare services but he understood the council were seeking to reduce the Animal Welfare team. Councillor Theobald stated that he could not support rises to business and trader permits and his group had been clear on that for a number of years. Councillor Theobald observed that many people using Preston Park station as a commuter point and noted that should be extended from 11 hours to 12 hours as it may not be sufficient for those travelling to and from London for employment.


57.10   The Head of Transport clarified that there had been very strong demand for traders permits which had increased three fold mainly as there was more flexibility to the permits including being able to park in resident permit bays. In terms of Preston Park station, the durations and pricing could be reviewed for the next budget.


57.11   Councillor Theobald noted that page 26 of the agenda set out the Fees and Charges budget by Service Area and for Sports Booking this figure was £219,000. Councillor Theobald asked if this dealt with sports booking services and if so, this was very costly to run.


57.12   The Joint Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing clarified that this was a cost related to sports booking and was due in part to seasonal staff and the expense of cash handling which could be costly. This was one of the areas to be part of the discussions due with sports clubs in the city over the coming months.


57.13   Councillor Janio stated that he would be support the Green Group motion as he believed it was a very good idea.


57.14   The Chair then put the motion to the vote which passed.


57.15   The Chair then put the recommendations as amended to the vote which passed.


57.16   RESOLVED-


1)            That Committee:


a)     Approves the proposed fees and charges for 2016/17 as set out within the report and its appendices with the exception of the item referred to at b) below


b)     That the Committee recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that Low Emission Vehicle and Car Club permits be frozen at current rates


c)      Delegates authority to the Acting Director of Environment, Development & Housing to increase any charges for fees as notified and set by central Government during the year.

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