Agenda item - Residents Question Time

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Agenda item

Residents Question Time

Responses to items raised at the Tenant Only Meeting held on 11 August 2015 (copy attached as ‘blue pages’).


12.1    (Item 1 – Parking and driving on grass verges)


12.2    Alan Cooke stated that bollards are not a solution; conversely they would be one of the problems. He noted that there is not a forum where issues such as highways can be raised and queried if everything went through RIO. Objected to the process as there is no ability to raise problems pertaining to highways and lighting as it took too long.


12.3    Cllr Mears noted that as we are in a unitary authority we are responsible for highways and lighting, we should be able to join the various departments in discussions.


12.4    Alan Cooke noted that cars passing each other on the narrow road rather than parking is the key issue.


12.5    Becky Purnell stated that Councillor Gill Mitchell has arranged bollards to be placed.


12.6    Janet Gearing rejected the placement of bollards.


12.7    Chair stated that the decision has to be collective.


12.8    Chris El-Shabba stated that she will mention this at the next due east meeting to see what can be done.


12.9    Chair noted that Due East must still work with other parts of Council whilst also agreeing that bollards are not the issue, a wider response is required.


12.10  Chair stated that in an emergency, bollards would be obstructive for vehicles.


12.11  Panel found the response in blue pages satisfactory


12.12  (Item 2 – 20mph Speed Limit)         


12.13  Janet Gearing stated that no one pays attention to the 20mph speed limit. She noted that they are unpoliced and cannot be enforced; she voiced concerns of the amount of money expended.


12.14  Chair stated that certain communities will be surveyed, however commented that in reality they cannot be enforced,           


12.15  Chris El-Shabba stated that it is not more green, citing the need to burn more fuel in order to travel slower over long distances.


12.16  Becky Purnell stated that a response has not yet been received regarding measurements of pollution levels.


12.17  The panel agreed the answer was satisfactory.


12.18  (Item 3 Community Development Workers)


12.19  Chair stated that the committee is happy with the response as it stands.


12.20  (Item 4 Reinstatement of the Housing Management Consultant Sub-Committee)


12.21  Chris El-Shabba stated while useful, a warped view of what is happening across the city would be formed due to most meetings taking place in east area. 


12.22  Chair noted that point 6 was factually incorrect as sheltered housing was present.


12.23  Becky Purnell and Ododo Dafe agreed the proposal can be taken to housing meeting then policy and resources to be voted on.


12.24  Chair stated that leaseholders were also included to hear a wider voice.


12.25  Chris El-Shabba stated support for the reinstatement of the Sub-Committee.


12.26  Chair noted positive points for consideration.


12.27  Panel voted unanimously, 6-0 to forward report on to Housing Committee for consideration.


12.28  (Item 5 Major Improvements Work)


12.29  Janet Gearing questioned why Woodingdean are not receiving anything.


12.30  James Cryer stated strides have been made within a finite budget, works at high-rise buildings have taken place due to health and safety concerns, these are to be followed by roofs.


12.31  Janet Gearing claimed Woodingdean were being penalised in matters of renovation works as it did not contain any high-rises also that it had its share of health and safety works such as the lack of fire windows,


12.32  James Cryer stated a reason for the growing focus of works on high-rises is that


12.34  James Cryer stated that one thing can be done as compromise; by speaking to Patrick there may scope to service some windows.


12.35  Janet Gearing dismissed the offer of compromise as not good enough; on the grounds that due to upcoming weather forecasts, residents will be kept housebound as in 1963. She claimed that equal treatment should be promoted as all residents of the City pay rent.


12.36  James Cryer noted that as a contractor; budget limitations dictate the parameters in which they can work with the Housing Department.


12.37  Chair rhetorically requested confirmation on whether City Council or Mears are responsible for the 5 year plan.


12.38  James Cryer stated that Mears manage their stock use via the APEX database; which in turn uses the historical database prior to the contract.


12.39  Chair highlighted that many surveys have been conducted over many years and queried the results regarding stock surveys on council property entered into the system. She stated confusion as to how similar responses and results appear to continue being presented.


12.40  James Cryer stated info on windows was based on historic installation dates.


12.41  Chair claimed it was time to update the system currently in place.


12.42  James Cryer confirmed Mears can replace it.


12.43  Janet Gearing claimed that she had been told this has been stopped.


12.44  Chair requested a proper report on the status of the system and when Woodingdean will have a window program.


12.45  Janet Gearing stated by way of example that, in regards to surveys surrounding roofs being serviced in Woodingdean, on previous inspection her place of residence was missed. She noted that Mears should survey all properties comprehensively and not just from the outside.


12.46  Janet Gearing stated issues regarding mould growing around windows as cause for concern going into Christmas period.


12.47  James Cryer noted that some capital programs are driven by cost. Mears must identify where they keep repairing items. If this is found on an estate where everything is continually being repaired, that will start to drive the program, therefore it is not cost effective.


12.48  Pat McKenna enquired by what criteria do Mears use to set priority for works to be done.


12.49  James Cryer stated Mears rely on intelligence based on where the repairs are and the frequency. Everything has a code.


12.50  Pat McKenna enquired is Mears have a legal responsibility to fix it.


12.51  James Cryer confirmed Mears has a legal responsibility to fix it.


12.52  Chris El-Shabba stipulated that as per the tenant’s agreement; the condition of windows must be maintained at all times. She urged people to ring in frequently. She reiterated tenants’ legal right to wind and weatherproofed windows.


12.53  Chair noted that the same conversation has been ongoing for approximately the past 7 years.


12.54  Janet Gearing noted that many residents have endured with 10 year life span windows for the last 30 years. She enquired what the future plan for Woodingdean entailed.


12.55  James Cryer stated that Woodingdean is not on the plan for the next 5 years.


12.56  Chair requested the detailed report for Woodingdean from James Cryer for the next meeting.


12.57  (Item 5 B)


12.58  RESOLVED – That the answer is agreed.


12.59  (Item 5 C)


12.60  Chris El-Shabba stated that the approximate time of response to tenants of Robert Lodge calls for window repairs was 1 year. She emphasised that tenants must contact the contractor.


12.61  James Cryer noted that this level of contact would help with the business case.


12.62  Chair requested tenant reps report to tenants regarding the windows issue. She stated that the current situation was not satisfactory.


12.63  James Cryer clarified the maintenance report.


12.64  Chair asked for this to go on the upcoming housing maintenance.


12.65  RESOLVED – That the report be noted.




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