Agenda item - Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) update

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Agenda item

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) update

Report of the Director of Public Health (copy attached).


40.1         The Head of Public Health Intelligence introduced the report which detailed the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JNSA) update and sought approval of the summary updates for their publication and approval of the planned needs assessments for 2016/17.  She noted that following consultations with various partner organisations it was proposed to conduct needs assessments for vulnerable migrants, the management of mental health and wellbeing in primary care in adults, sensory impairment and acquired brain injury.  She also noted that the updated assessments to date were all available online.


40.2         Councillor Mac Cafferty stated that the update provided a good insight into what was happening in the city and queried whether the proposed savings in Public Health Intelligence would impact on the JNSA.


40.3         The Public Health Consultant stated that the Public Health Intelligence and Corporate Intelligence teams had recently merged and it was anticipated that this would provide a more effective and efficient service.  The officers were working closely with other partners and he did not expect it to impact on the work associated with the JNSA and needs assessments.


40.4         The Director of Public Health stated that it was a larger team overall having been merged and was now part of the council, which he felt would have a positive effect.


40.5         The Chair noted the comments and that a notice of motion was due to be presented at the forthcoming full Council meeting which may result in an issue being brought to the Board.  In the meantime however, he put the recommendations to the Board for approval.


40.6         RESOLVED:


(1)          That the following needs assessments be approved and conducted in 2016/17, based on discussions with, members, officers, partners and commissioners:


·                Vulnerable migrants (to expand on the brief assessment that is in place)

·                the management of mental health and wellbeing in primary care in adults (rapid needs assessment)

·                Sensory impairment (new JSNA summary- all ages)

·                Acquired brain injury (JSNA profile - adults).


(2)          That the 2015 JSNA summary section updates be approved for publication; and


(3)          That the duty to publish a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) under the 2012 Health and Social Care Act: that from April 2013 councils and CCGs have equal and explicit obligations to prepare a JSNA and that this duty is discharged by Health and Wellbeing Boards be noted.

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